Are you one of the many who are dazed and confused?
A lot of people I know now suffer from deep confusion. Sometimes they are so confused that they don’t have a clue what they are confused about. In most cases the source of confusion is the lack of direction in their lives.
Life seems to be a big blur.
One thing I have observed with people who are confused is their life is not centered. They are filled with mixed up and even contradicting ideas and philosophies which they try to build their life on.
I think we can learn a bit of life in photography. In photography, if you don’t calibrate and focus the center of the camera properly the whole picture will be blurred. No amount of shots taken will make the picture clear until the center is focused.
Most of our confusion in life comes from not seeing a clear picture of who we are and what our life suppose to be. Most of us take random shots in life hoping “to get the picture.”
How can we find our focus or center?
To find our deep center is to find a deep Person. Jesus. He is supposed to be the center of our life. If our center is not Jesus, we end up un-centered, unfocused and blurred.
We must keep our eyes focused on Jesus, for He is the only One who can bring back the focus in our lives.
Pope John Paul II said that Jesus reveals humanity to himself. Jesus is the Logos. He is the image of the living God. He is the image that we are supposed to look like.
God made man in His image and likeness.
We must see ourselves the way God sees us. We must see God’s vision for our humanity. And that is we are fully alive. Jesus Himself said, “I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly.” In Christ our broken humanity can be once again restored. He alone can give clarity to our blurry life.
Now do you get the big picture?
very gud,.. :) i like ur articles yaar.. :)